The You Beyond You That Is You
There is a ‘you’ beyond your conditioned personality self. This other you, that is you, sometimes referred to as the Higher Self, is the aspect of your consciousness closest to Source; the eternal spiritual being that you are beyond your current awareness and identity.
This you exists beyond space and time and the confines of this third dimensional reality, and is the overseer of your multi selves – past, present and future, conscious and subconscious.
Your Higher Self is more loving and wise than anything you could imagine. It knows all you have been, all you are now, and all you are becoming (in this life-time and others), and is aware of the countless possibilities available for you and what will serve you optimally.
You are loved more than you will ever know.
Your Higher Self loves you totally and unconditionally. Its fathomless love and vast all-encompassing perspectives can gift your life immeasurably, lift the veils and limits of your personal beliefs and limited understandings, and bring truth and light to the darkest of times and places. You can connect and communicate with this ‘you beyond you’ and receive its love, guidance, healing and support.
Ask for help and be open and willing to receive it. Your Higher Self loves and respects you too much to ever force anything upon you. It is, however, ever at your side (and inside), whether you are aware of that presence or not, and always willing and desiring to help in unending ways.
Your Higher Self can communicate with you in any number of ways. Your intuition and subtle senses can be portals to receive its insights, and meditation creates fertile ground for the essence of your Higher Self to be anchored-in and embodied and its voice to be heard. When your conscious mind is quiet and still, space is created for experiencing your energetic presence of ‘being’, as well as for opening to inner wisdom and inspiration, and a natural balancing and alignment of your energy. Getting off the hamster wheel of your monkey mind with its loops of thoughts and programs allows room for truth to be awakened to and more of your essential unconditioned self to be experienced.
The wisdom of your Higher Self is sourced in love, will always serve you, and reaches beyond the limits of your conditioned mind. It is the golden compass that points ever towards the truth of who you are, your optimum path, the true nature of reality, and the love at the heart of All. When you connect to this celestial self, the unlimited divine being that you are, you become aware not only how immeasurably loved you are, but that all necessary resources for co-creating your reality exist within you.
Below is a meditation for connecting with your Higher Self. It includes allowing your Higher Self to appear in personified form to support developing an intimate and interactive relationship with this higher aspect of your being. Your Higher Self is your inherent super power. Open to receive its love, blessings, and gifts of wisdom, healing and energy.
Meditation to Connect with your Higher Self
1. Relax, close your eyes, and enter a meditative state in whatever way works for you. Calm your mind and get into a still, quiet, and deeply relaxed space.
2. When deeply relaxed, imagine a being in a place in nature in your mind’s eye. This could be somewhere you’ve been to before, or somewhere entirely new, created by your imagination, whether that be an ocean beach, forest grove, bank of a riverside, garden, meadow, or mountain top, as examples. If visualization isn’t your thing, just get in touch with a sense of it, a feeling or idea of being in this place; it’s your intention that matters most.
Make this place as vivid as possible by engaging all of your senses. Try to see any sights you can in detail, smell the air, feel the breeze against your face, and the ground beneath you, reach out and touch something and make it real, or just FEEL the presence of this place in your heart, being aware of it through choice and knowing you are there.
3. Now allow your Higher Self to come to you. For this, you can have them appear as a human being, seeing them walking towards you. They can adopt a human form to better interact with you. Don’t worry if you feel like you’re just imagining it; your imagination is a powerful tool to help co-create the experience, and the energy of your Higher Self can come and be with you.
4. As you imagine your Higher Self walking towards you, don’t worry too much about whether you notice specific details or not, just get a sense of them. Know they are radiating an incredible unconditional love for you. Be open to that. See the love in their eyes, and experience them reach out their hands to embrace you. Feel that embrace. Allow yourself to be received by them and to receive them. However vividly or vaguely you experience them, know that they are there and have come to be with you. Open to their presence.
Alternatively, if you find it easier, you may want to imagine them as a shimmering light of some kind, such as spherical or oval in shape, or whatever resonates with you. You can allow that light to wrap around and embrace you in its love.
5. Now together, you can spend time with your Higher Self. You can open to healing, inspiration and guidance. You may want to just sit with them and receive their love. You may have some questions to ask, in which case see if you hear a reply, or if an awareness, image, a sense of knowing or thoughts and feelings arise. If more visually inclined, you might imagine your Higher Self with some paper or a whiteboard or book and see them drawing or writing down words or pictures. Just be open and explore. If you experience little or nothing consciously, that’s OK, just know that they are there for you, loving you. You can make an intention to open to this love.
You can also lie down in this place in nature in your mind’s eye and ask your Higher Self to heal you. You may see or sense them placing their hands over you or upon areas of your body, and light or energy moving through you. You may feel emotions or thoughts move through you also. You may sense nothing it all, which is also fine. Just be open to receive healing and allow whatever occurs at a more subtle level to take place through your willingness to receive.
6. To end your time with your Higher Self, thank them and express anything you wish to express. Then allow yourself to return to feeling your body’s physical presence in the room, be that against a chair, or a cushion, or the bed. Become more consciously aware of your body and breathing, and slowly, in your own time, when you are ready, open your eyes, coming back to everyday awareness.