Come upon a journey
To the centre of your heart and mind
There to find a star that shines
One step outside of space and time
And as you travel to that place of light
Let go of all that is not you
The lies the ego tries to use
Guilt and shame and false beliefs
Buried tears for sweet relief
Resentments that have lost their names
The unforgiven ones you blame
The judgments that you choose to place
On those who wear your shadow’s face
Forgive yourself for all mistakes
The lost or wounded you did make
For deep within your heart
There lies a love that knows no bounds
Sacred and eternal
Ever waiting to be found.
A love that when awakened
Shall open every door
To know this love is all that’s true
Will melt you to the core.
A love that is the spark of life
Of who you truly are
The everlasting light within
It’s you this loving star.