The Judgement Agenda

When you judge you project your shadows onto others, when you love you project your light. Being judgemental isn’t the same as having an opinion. Judgement is a harsh energy and is shaming. When [...]

Imposter Syndrome

I’ve noticed impostor syndrome rearing its head when I share work publicly, even when I send out an ezine to my subscribers it can murmur in my mind accompanied by feelings of self-doubt. [...]

Control Never Works

Tallying in with the topic of flow covered in the last post, here we look at the trap of control that can stand in the way of flow. Ever attempt to control (yourself/another/an outcome/life)? Or [...]

Embracing Acceptance

Take a moment to accept yourself, life and others just as you/it/they/are. Acceptance brings freedom and openness, and lays a foundation for love. What you accept you also more easily let go of, [...]

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